Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Setting the Stag(ing)

I got my Staging information today!

The first email they sent said it was going to be in Washington DC (which would change ALL my plans) but now they've corrected themselves to a more appropriate Los Angeles, CA!

Notable developments in my understanding of what is about to happen to me:
  • We have to wear business casual attire to orientation. (I'm still not sure if this means what I think it means...I always end up under-dressed it seems)
  • We'll be having orientation at the hotel near LAX.
  • Our flight to Mongolia stops through Seoul, Korea.
  • The Peace Corps is going to pump me full of more safety literature than I will ever be able to keep track of.
  • This is getting REAL and FAST.

I leave Little Rock in two weeks.

Goodbye America, sometimes you disgust me!

1 comment:

  1. Staging is fast, ours was about 5 hours. They tell you some stuff about the rules, give you some money, give you back your passports, make you do a bad icebreaker, and then put you on a bus to the airport. Once you get into country you'll have more health and safety training than you can handle, so don't worry about staging at all! Good luck, and enjoy your last few weeks at home!
