Saturday, June 13, 2009

Seoul Sister

So far, Seoul good. We're on our layover in South Korea, all the m20s (myself included) are using the free wireless to update facebook on their location as we come one step closer to reaching our 'GOLIA. ha!

On the plane, I learned more about Mongolian wildlife:'

  • Musk Deer - Looks like a small deer, live in burrows like rabbits, hop like kangaroos, and they have tusks! WTF? I will definitely be visiting the woodlands to locate one of these dudes. Apparently they are hunted for a gland that they have that excretes liquid used in perfume (a musky scent, anyone?)
  • Wild Mongolian Gerbils - I had about 25 gerbils when I was a kid (all at the same time, i know...gross), but they looked just like this! Maybe I've got more experience with Mongolians than I thought

-----<"Sain Bain uu!">

Besides all that, I'm really digging Peace Corps and the M20s so far. Orientation was actually helpful and all the other trainees (there are 69 of us!) are really positive and friendly. There's an openness to friendship and a lack of cliqueness that I have never experienced in a group setting like this before. I hope it keeps up!

Next stop, Ulaanbaatar (universally UB for short), more impressively, THE CAPITAL OF OUTER MONGOLIA.


1 comment:

  1. when you find one of those crazy fanged mini deer give it a big hug for me. also, if you hear of monogolian cowgirls send info my way. i miss you already!
    also, i got a kitten!
